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About Us


DARIUSTWIN is the magical light painting universe created by artist, Darren Pearson, using light, long exposure and the night sky. Darren has been lighting up the world for over a decade and has expanded his glowing artwork into more than just still images, but also moving animations composed of hundreds and thousands light painting photographs all straight out of the camera. His works have led to collaborations with companies like Apple, Disney, Pixar, National Geographic, Intel, Google, Honda, Samsung, and many more. He lives in the mountains of Southern California with his wife, Jordan, and their young son, Jasper. Jordan handles the editing, partnerships, concepts and the day-to-day at their home headquarters. You can also find her modeling in many of DARIUSTWIN’s stop motion pieces. The pair have turned DARIUSTWIN into a storefront where they offer many products, including fine art prints, light painting tools, clothing and more. They are constantly creating content for many ad campaigns with top of the line clients.

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